Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Florida part 5

the next day we woke up and went shopping first we ate at a small place called the blue dolphin we had to eat at two difrent tables I was not lucky because I didn't go with all the teens im almost a tween im 8 insted I had to go with my little sister my moms boyfriend and my mom so later we went shopping for blossom my moms boy friends girls dog well everyone else finished there breakfast after that everyone looked at one of Floridas best souvenir stores it was called alvins island it had little toys pry the best place to find toys in sairasota because there was not much kids in florida next we went to a fashon store for girls the boy didn't realy mind that but then my mom found a black house white market now the boys couldent handle that evan that frosty was a girl she wasnt much of a shopper so she went out first then my moms boy friends son then me then my little sister then my moms boy friends girls boyfriend there was a bench on the side walk we all sat down are heads boiling in the sun then my moms boyfrieds girl and her boyfriend dropped off at the hotel so frosty my moms boy friends son and me wached my little sister well frosty did me and my moms boy friends son did dives in the pool and sat in the hot tub we ate supper and went to there hotel room me frosty and my little sister watched bolt well my moms boyfriends son took a shower it was 7:30 pm pst when we got to the hotel rooms I called my mom when she got to the hotel room it was 10:30 pm pst then after that we went to bed

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