Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Zack storie

one day in January you know the dance party time Zack our cat pushed our other cat Mickey out of my lap and then Zack went in my lap and thats where the trouble all started then 4 months later:I woke up to a perfect day at my dads girlfriends house the air fresh no school all sunny out hot I was watching t.v. with Mickey but I couldent figer out where Zack was then I heard typings I must of been day dreaming I kept on hearing it I got a little scared so I got a my dads girlfriends girls bace ball bat and ran to the laptop Zack escaped just in time I must of been dreaming then I noticed that the laptop was on so I went over to check it out it was on a site called I love Carl the hamster then I saw paw prints on the key bord then I could see dents and tools on and by the laptop I looked in side the laptop there was a cat hair so then I enjoyed the rest of the day then I woke up the next day to a horabale mouwing it was coming from the laptop the laptop was big and poofy I only could see inside a little and I saw Zack the reason I was writeing backwords is because he broke some cords and thats how Zack got stuck in the computer

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